Rabu, 14 April 2010

Went to Salatiga

When I was senior high school, my boyfriend asked me to go with him to Salatiga. He wanted to take his certificate in his school. We went there by a scooter. It took thirty minutes from my house to Salatiga. Actually it's fun, but I felt pain on my feet during the journey to Salatiga. It because we rode on old vehicle hehehehe..
After we arrived at his school, we went to the office and I waited him outside. I looked at his school. It's a nice school. It has a lot of facilities. Several times later he came but he didn't bring anything because the certificate was not available yet.
We felt tired so we took a sit for a while, we also felt hungry, then we went to "Lapangan Panscasila" Salatiga. We bought siomay and sup buah. we ate and enjoy the view, the air was fresh . After that we were getting tired and sleepy, so we decided to go home then took a rest.

1 komentar:

  1. Hi, Hendrika..
    Nice to see you anymore in your blog..
    Still remember me, Risma, the person who taught you about past narrative.

    Well, I'm glad that yo have made your writing.
    And I think that must be memorable experience especially about the scooter because scooter itself symbolizes nostalgia..
    Was it romantic..?

    Okay lets move to our topic.
    I saw your writing that you tended to use transition in the form of adverbial clause to indicate the time (when I was senior high school, after we arrived at this school) instead of using adverbial phrase such as last time, two years ago, previous semester. Well, that's not bad because you can use it when you were not sure about the exact time or if you did not remember it. And it's the alternative choice in your writing.

    But I have to give you my feedback about your grammar. So, here they are..

    1. "Actually it's fun, but I felt pain on my feet during the journey to Salatiga. "
    I think it would be better if you write # Actually it was fun# because it's a past event right.
    Beside that the next, clause after the word "but" is in the past form. So, make sure that you use one tense in your sentence.

    2. "It because we rode on old vehicle hehehehe.."
    Well, it's just the matter of verb be "is". Maybe you missed to write the word "is" after the word " it" there, right..

    3. "It's a nice school. It has a lot of facilities. "
    Actually the problem is same with the number 1, use past tense. So, you should write #It was nice school. It had....#

    Well, I think that's all from me Hendrika..
    Good job for your writing..
    And if you still have difficulty, just see me in my blog..
